6. Working With Collections

6.1. Working With Lists

  1. In a Kotlin or Kotlinscript file, write some code that creates a small list contains between 5 and 10 integer values.

  2. Add code that will

    • Print out the contents of the list (without using a loop)

    • Print a count of how many elements are in the list (without using a loop)

    • Display the first three and last three values (e.g., using the take and takeLast methods)

    • Print a reversed version of the list, leaving the original unchanged

    • Print a sorted version of the list, leaving the original unchanged

    • Filter the list, displaying only the odd numbers

Here’s an example of what program output should look like:

List is [1, 2, 7, 4, 11, -1, 8]
List has 7 values
First three values are [1, 2, 7]
Last three values are [11, -1, 8]
Reversed list is [8, -1, 11, 4, 7, 2, 1]
Sorted list is [-1, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 11]
Odd values are [1, 7, 11, -1]

6.2. Reading From a File Into a List

  1. In a new directory (or a new IntelliJ project), create a Kotlin file named stats.kt. In this file, add the following code:

    import java.io.File
    import java.util.Scanner
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
      if (args.size > 0) {
        val input = Scanner(File(args[0])

    When it runs, this program expects a filename to be supplied as a command line argument. It uses this filename to construct a File object representing the named file, then creates a Scanner object attached to this file. The Scanner object can be used to parse the contents of the file.


    The important point here is that File and Scanner are part of Java’s API. Java classes can be used seamlessly within Kotlin code.

    Check that the program compiles and runs before proceeding further.

  2. Add the following code to stats.kt:

    val data = mutableListOf<Double>()
    while (input.hasNextDouble()) {

    This creates an empty list, then uses the Scanner to read Double values from the file and add them to this list.

  3. Add code that displays the number of values that have been added to the list.

  4. Add code that computes and displays the mean and standard deviation of values in the list. Note that computing the mean can be done with a single method call!

    Program output should look something like this:

    6 values read from file
    Mean value = 3.5917
    Std deviation = 1.1082

6.3. Working With Maps

  1. In a Kotlin or Kotlinscript file, write some code that creates a small map of String to Int, containing a few key-value pairs. Your program should

    • Print out the contents of the map (without using a loop)

    • Print a count of how many key-value pairs it contains (without using a loop)

    • Use a for loop to sum up the values, then print the sum

    • Remove one of the key-value pairs, then print map contents again

    Here’s an example of what program output should look like:

    Map is {oranges=1, bananas=7, plums=5, apples=2}
    4 key-value pairs, sum of values = 15
    Removing oranges...
    Map is now {bananas=7, plums=5, apples=2}
  2. Create a new directory (or new IntelliJ project) and put input.kt in it. Add a new file, phonebook.kt. In this new file, write a program that creates and maintains a phonebook, using a map defined like so:

    val phonebook = mutableMapOf<String,String>()

    Your program should use a loop to repeatedly prompt the user to enter a name. If the string is empty (i.e., the user has simply pressed the Enter key) then the program should break out of the loop; otherwise, it should use the entered name to look up the corresponding phone number in phonebook.

    If a number is found for the entered name, it should be displayed; otherwise, the program should print “Not found”, the user should be prompted to supply a phone number and then the name and number should be inserted into the map.

    Here’s an example of what interaction with the program should look like:

    Enter a name: nick
    Not found
    Enter number for nick: 0123 456789
    Enter a name: nick
    Number for nick is 0123 456789